02 48008585     info@ortodonziastudio.com

Dott.ssa Luisa Isaia



  • University of Genoa, Italy, 2011
  • Postgraduate certificate in orthodontics. University of Milan, Italy, 2016
  • DDS and postgraduate certificate in orthodontics registered by the Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontioiatri di Genoa, Italy (Registration number 1642 on 17/01/2012)


Clinical activity
Dr. Luisa Isaia is a certified orthodontist who received her dental degree (DDS) from the University of Genoa and her specialty degree in orthodontics from the University of Milan. Before joining the office of Dr. Meursinge Reynders, she has worked in various offices in Milan and in Liguria. Dr. Isaia is passionate about orthodontics and loved by her patients for her empathy, precision, gentle approach, and her positive and energizing character.

Courses and research
To improve her clinical knowledge and skills, Dr. Isaia participates constantly in courses at international orthodontic meetings and in courses online. She has published various research studies in orthodontics and has a special interest in evidence-based orthodontics.


After work
In her free time, Dr. Isaia loves playing tennis, jogging, and cycling. She also spends a considerable amount of her time in social and voluntary work to help children in need.  Dr. Isaia has a true passion for traveling, experiencing other cultures and learning from the people she meets. She is a dedicated photographer and has taken numerous courses in this field.


  • Migliorati M, Isaia L, Cassaro A, Rivetti A, Silvestrini Biavati F, Gastaldo L, Piccardo I, Dalessandri D, Silvestrini Biavati A. Efficacy of professional hygiene and prophylaxis on preventing plaque increase in orthodontic patients with multibracket appliances: a systematic review. Eur J Orthod. 2015 Jun;37(3):297-307.
  • Migliorati M, Signori A, Isaia L, Menini A, Rubiano R, Aonzo E, Silvestrini Biavati A. Denture-frame modifications in class III patients treated with rapid palatal expansion and facemask: a prospective controlled study. Minerva Stomatol. 2015 Jun;64(3):117-28.
  • Meursinge Reynders RA, Isaia L. Failure rates of palatal implants or mini-screws for orthodontic anchorage. Evid Based Dent. 2019 Mar;20(1):9-11. doi: 10.1038/s41432-019-0010-0.
  • Meursinge Reynders RA, Isaia L.  Social media and orthodontics: A commentary on a systematic review. Evid Based Dent. 2019 Dec;20(1):123-126